Page 102 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 102

Internship and Trainee Programme
To provide more hands-on experience and learning opportunities for college and secondary school students to prepare themselves for a future career, the Housing Society offers a wide variety of short-term internship opportunities. The annual Housing Society Summer Internship Programme provides internship experience for tertiary students who aspire to pursue a career in housing- related fields. During the year, 52 students from local and overseas tertiary institutions were recruited to participate in the six-week internship programme from late June to mid-August.
In addition, five job attachment and internship programmes were organised for Vocational Training Council, The University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Work Experience Movement of Education Bureau and Ying Wah College.
An Information Technology (IT) Traineeship Programme was also launched in 2018 to provide training and job opportunities to fresh graduates in data engineering and programming who aspire to be IT engineers. During the year, two IT trainees completed the two-year programme and became IT engineers with the Housing Society.
The Housing Society also provides different professional trainee programmes for young people, allowing them to gain experience relating to property management and elderly services. With the
為向大專院校和中學的學生提供更多透過實 踐累積經驗和學習的機會,為日後就業做好 準備,房協提供了多種短期實習機會。一年 一度的「房協暑期實習計劃」為有志從事房屋 相關領域的專上學生提供實習經驗。年內, 合共五十二名香港及海外大專院校學生從六 月底至八月中旬參加為期六周的實習計劃。
此外,房協還為職業訓練局、香港大學、香 港理工大學、教育局「工作體驗運動」及英華 書院開展了五項工作見習及實習計劃。
房協亦於二零一八年推出「資訊科技見習生培 訓計劃」,為有志成為資訊科技工程師的資訊 科技系畢業生提供培訓和就業機會。年內, 已有兩名見習生完成兩年培訓計劃,成為房 協資訊科技工程師。
房協亦為年青人提供不同的專業見習計劃, 協助他們累積物業管理及長者服務方面的經 驗。由於經濟和勞工市場於疫情期間受到重

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