Page 106 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 106

H K H S G e r o n t e c h C o m p e t i t i o n
The inaugural competition invited secondary and tertiary students to create innovative yet practical gerontech solutions to help seniors cope with everyday challenges while promoting an age-friendly culture. The competition has received overwhelming responses, attracting the participation of over 750 students from 149 teams. It was successfully concluded with the finale and award presentation ceremony held on 16 April.
Intergenerational Play Space Design Competition – Prosperous Garden
Co-organised with the Jockey Club Design Institute of Social Innovation (JCDISI) of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the Competition encouraged young people to adopt a user- centric approach with cross-sector expertise to redesign the public space adjoining Housing Society’s Prosperous Garden. It is hoped that the competition would raise public awareness of intergenerational play spaces, and that the innovative ideas from the entries would help inspire society and the industry to create more play spaces catering to the needs of people of all ages and abilities. The Competition attracted 18 teams from the professional category and 59 teams from the university category. The award presentation ceremony was held on 14 November 2020.
「 創 科 樂 『 耆 』中 」樂 齡 科 技 設 計 比 賽
年內舉行的首屆比賽邀請來自中學和專上學 院的學生設計新穎實用的樂齡科技方案, 為長者解決各種生活難題,同時宣揚長者 友善文化。學界踴躍參與,總共有來自 一百四十九個團隊的七百五十多名學生報名 參加。於四月十六日舉辦的總決賽暨頒獎典 禮為比賽畫上圓滿句號。
跨代共融遊樂空間設計比賽-駿發花 園
是次比賽由房協與香港理工大學賽馬會社 會創新設計院(JCDISI)合辦,鼓勵年青人 採用以用家為本的方針,運用跨專業界別 知識,重新設計毗鄰房協駿發花園的公共空 間。房協希望透過是次比賽引起大眾對跨代 共融遊樂空間的關注,並透過參賽作品為社 會及業界帶來更多創新思維,共建更多跨代 共融遊樂空間,以滿足不同年齡及能力人士 的需求。是次比賽共吸引十八組專業隊伍及 五十九組大學生隊伍參加。頒獎典禮於二零 二零年十一月十四日順利舉行。
 Intergenerational Play Space Design Competition winners
HKHS Gerontech Competition Award Presentation Ceremony

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