Page 132 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 132

The Housing Society had 154 members as of 31 March 2021, 64 of whom served on the Supervisory Board, the Executive Committee and various Committees. A full list of Housing Society members is shown on pages 42 to 45. Profiles of our Supervisory Board and Executive Committee members as well as our Directorate and Senior Management Team are shown on pages 36 to 41 and pages 46 to 47.
The membership composition of the Supervisory Board and the Executive Committee comprises a balanced mix of professionals, business executives, experts in community services and academia. The diverse background of members ensures both the breadth and depth of skills and also the expertise required to steer the development and strategic direction of our businesses.
Election and Appointment of Board and Committee Members
The term of office of members of the Supervisory Board, the Executive Committee and the various Committees is normally three years (“year” meaning the period between the two consecutive AGMs for the calculation of terms of office). At least one-third of the existing members of the Supervisory Board and the Executive Committee, excluding the ex officio members and the Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director, must retire from office at each AGM. This is to maintain a balance between continuity and the introduction of new blood while ensuring that the Supervisory Board and the Executive Committee have the calibre, skills and experience required. The Chairman and the Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board are not required to retire and will not be taken into account when determining the number of members required to retire during their three-year terms of office.
截至二零二一年三月三十一日,房協共有 一百五十四名委員,其中六十四名委員乃監 事會、執行委員會及各委員會的委員。房協 全體委員名單載於第四十二至四十五頁。監 事會及執行委員會委員、總監團隊及高級管 理人員的簡介分別載於第三十六至四十一頁 及第四十六至四十七頁。
監事會及執行委員會的委員包括專業人士、 商界行政人員、社會服務界及學術界的專 家。委員擁有多元化專業背景,可確保委員 具備帶領房協業務發展及策略方向所需的各 方面技能及專長。
監事會、執行委員會及各委員會委員的任期 通常為三年(在計算任期時,「一年」指連續 兩屆周年委員大會的期間)。監事會及執行委 員會至少三分之一現任委員(當然委員及行政 總裁兼執行總幹事除外)須於每屆周年委員大 會上退任,藉此在延續性及引入新血之間取 得平衡,同時確保監事會及執行委員會具備 所需的才幹、專長及經驗。監事會的主席及 副主席於其三年任期內毋須退任,而他們在 釐定須退任委員人數時亦不被計算在內。
監事會負責訂立房協的宗旨、願景、核心價 值及企業原則,並監督所有提名、選舉及審 核職能。監事會亦負責委任執行委員會、審 核委員會、提名委員會、人力資源委員會及 特別委員會的委員,並監察審核委員會和提 名委員會的表現。監事會亦就持份者權益、 公共關係及外在環境轉變等方面向執行委員 會提供意見及指引。
Supervisory Board and Executive Committee
Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board establishes the Housing Society’s mission, vision, core values and guiding principles, and oversees all nomination, election and audit functions. The Supervisory Board appoints members to the Executive Committee, the Audit Committee, the Nominating Committee, the Human Resources Committee and the Special Committees, and is responsible for the performance of the Audit Committee and the Nominating Committee. It also advises and provides guidance to the Executive Committee on issues of stakeholder interests, public relations and changes in the external environment.

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