Page 16 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 16

Creating Homes for All Ages and Abilities
It was the same distinctly human spirit that we wanted to inject into Ming Wah Dai Ha when we first announced its redevelopment in 2011. What we envisioned then was not merely a provision of better homes for the people, but one that capable of catering to the needs of people of all ages and abilities.
Completed in 2021, the Phase I Redevelopment provides 966 units in two towers. Apart from standard rental units, it also comes with elderly units, accessible units and adaptable units, with age-friendly design like handrails in the corridors, and more spacious kitchens and bathrooms for the manoeuvring of wheelchairs, facilitating a liveable environment for seniors and wheelchair users.
The future Phase III Redevelopment of Ming Wah Dai Ha will also include around 600 age-friendly units for middle-income elderly under the Senior Citizen Residences Scheme (SEN).
The Ming Wah Dai Ha Redevelopment, with the mix of unit types that bring along the co-living of the old and the young, the abled bodied and the disabled, will be a model for our future housing developments aiming to foster an inclusive community with intergenerational living.
Along such vision, we have commissioned a feasibility study to examine, review and enhance the universal design (UD) and barrier-free access (BFA) provisions in our rental estates, subsidised sale flats and SEN.
The provisions will be revisited with respect to design and planning considerations, legal regulatory framework and international best practices. In this connection, the Housing Society has set up mock-up flats with UD and BFA provisions as a platform to collect views and concerns of different stakeholders, including professional institutions, the academia and elderly service providers, among others.
房協於二零一一年首次宣布重建明華大廈 時,也寄望將這份以人為本的精神體現在重 建項目當中。當時,我們的願景不僅是為市 民改善居住環境,而且希望創建可滿足任何 年齡及不同能力人士需要的共融家園。
第一期重建項目於二零二一年落成,兩座大 廈合共提供九百六十六個單位。除標準出租 單位外,項目亦提供長者單位、無障礙單位 及可改動單位,融入長者友善設計(例如在走 廊加設扶手、更寬敞的廚房空間及輪椅適用 的浴室等),為長者及輪椅使用者提供宜居環 境。
未來,明華大廈第三期重建項目亦會加入「長 者安居樂」住屋計劃,為中等收入長者提供約 六百個長者友善單位。
明華大廈重建項目提供多種單位類別,引入 跨代長幼共融、傷健共居理念,為房協未來 房屋發展提供典範,致力倡導跨代共融社區。
為實現此願景,房協委託機構進行相關可行 性研究,以評估、審視及優化出租屋邨、資 助出售房屋及「長者安居樂」住屋計劃的通用 設計及無障礙設施。
我們將從設計及規劃考量因素、法規監管框 架及國際最佳實務等角度檢視有關規定。就 此,房協特設模擬單位展示不同通用設計及 無障礙設施的應用,作為收集專業機構、學 術界及長者服務營運機構等不同持份者意見 及關注的平台。

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