Page 30 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 30

        Adapting Home Design to Changing Times
The pandemic has brought to the fore the issue of hygiene and sanitation in the home environment with the intermittent outbreak of the virus in residential buildings. To address the issue, we have undertaken a host of measures to improve the home design and facilities of our development projects.
To mitigate risk of virus transmission, a two-pipe system separating the drain stacks for soil water and waste water at residential floors, and drainage fitted with W-trap system will be adopted. Drainage in existing rental estates will also be inspected with altered or faulty pipes fixed and fitted with W-trap systems as appropriate.
Apart from incorporating designs that fit in with the demands arising from the pandemic, we continued to carry out improvement works in rental estates with a view to upgrading facilities for providing quality living for our residents. In this regard, a total of $110 million was committed and 64 improvement works were completed during the year, with a bulk of these belonging to our rental estate projects under the Voluntary Building Assessment Scheme.
隨著住宅大廈偶爾出現確診病例,疫情提升 公眾對居住環境衞生狀況的關注。為此,我 們已採取多項措施改善發展項目的住屋設計 和設施。
為減輕病毒傳播風險,住宅樓層以雙管系統 分隔髒水與廢水,並採用「W型」聚水器。現 有出租屋邨的排水管則進行全面檢查,並會 維修經改動或有缺損的喉管,以及在情況合 適下裝設「W型」聚水器。
除了為應對疫情而改善設計外,我們亦繼續 進行出租屋邨的改善工程,以提升設施,為 住戶提供優質生活環境。就此,我們於年內 共投入一億一千萬港元,完成六十四項改善 工程,當中大部分工程屬轄下出租屋邨參與

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