Page 33 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 33

香港房屋協會 2020/21 年度年報
Likewise, we have been exploring the adoption of advanced technologies such as robots for security and cleansing in our Operations Headquarters, AI based drone and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions for tracking of data and management of projects, with a view to enhancing operational efficiency and safety.
Across the corporate level, the e-tendering system had been put in place to streamline the process with a view to facilitating a greener office with paperless solutions.
Bridging Ties with the Community
The pandemic has not stopped us from forging ties and building closer community when love and care was most needed.
We have continued to organise, sponsor and support in kind events and projects in dedication to philanthropy, environmental and youth development. Notwithstanding the social distancing measures being in force for the better part of the year, we have been working harder than ever to reach out to our stakeholders.
To stay connected while staying apart, most of our events have gone virtual or hybrid, such as the yearly Hong Kong Housing Society Award, or the Dialogue with Housing Society Members. At a time when the Housing Society Exhibition Centre and the Elderly Resources Centre were closed due to the pandemic outbreak, platforms of virtual tour were created for the two centres. An outreach education team was set up for reaching out to the students in primary and secondary schools, and tailor- made education programmes by the HS e-Academy were created to help the younger generation gain a better understanding of the Housing Society and housing development in Hong Kong.
同時,我們一直探索採用先進科技,如利用 機械人在營運總部進行保安和清潔工作,具 備人工智能的無人機及物聯網(IoT)解決方案 作數據跟蹤及項目管理,從而提高營運效率 及安全性。
在企業層面,我們已設立電子招標系統簡化 流程,以無紙化解決方案促進更環保的工作 環境。
我們未有讓疫情妨礙建立更緊密的社區聯 繫,而事實上逆境中的社會需要更多關愛。
一如既往,我們組織、贊助及支持各類慈 善、環保及與青年發展相關的活動及項目。 今年大部分時間實施社交距離措施,我們更 加努力地與持份者保持聯繫。
為在距離之間保持聯繫,我們很多活動均以 線上或線上線下相結合的形式舉行,例如一 年一度的「房協獎助學金計劃」及「與房協委 員對談」。而「房協展覽中心」及「長者安居資 源中心」因疫情爆發而關閉期間,均設立在線 導賞平台。此外,我們為中小學推出外展教 育活動,房協學苑更設計網上教材,協助年 輕一代認識房協及香港的房屋發展。

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