Page 54 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 54

Senior Citizen Residences Scheme
As part of our ongoing commitment to serve Hong Kong’s elderly people, the Senior Citizen Residences Scheme (SEN) provides subsidised flats that cater middle-income seniors. The two pilot projects, Jolly Place in Tseung Kwan O and Cheerful Court in Jordan Valley, offer a life-lease model to tenants. The projects have continued to enjoy full occupancy, and the waiting list for residency is currently over 500 applicants with a waiting period of about four years on average.
Jolly Place and Cheerful Court provide the elderly with accommodation that has been integrated with a full range of care and support services. The “all-in-one” model offers tenants comprehensive lifestyle facilities and services, social and recreational activities, home care support, healthcare, wellness and skilled care services all on-site. This has helped our multi- disciplinary professional service team to better address the physical and psychosocial needs of the elderly since the outbreak of COVID-19 in early 2020.
Containment measures such as social distancing and quarantine were implemented to mitigate the spread of the disease. These measures could protect the elderly citizens against infection, but might inadvertently induce unwanted consequences, including social isolation, limited access to routine social care services and poor self-health management.
作為房協持續服務香港長者的一項措施,「長 者安居樂」住屋計劃提供可迎合中產長者需 要的資助單位。位於將軍澳的「樂頤居」和佐 敦谷的「彩頤居」的兩個試驗項目為租戶提供
「終身租住」模式。這些項目繼續保持全數租 出的紀錄,且目前輪候名單上有超過五百名 申請者,平均輪候時間約為四年。
「樂頤居」和「彩頤居」為長者創造結合全方位 關顧及支援服務的居住環境。「一體化」模式 為租戶提供一應俱全的生活設施及服務、社 交及康樂活動、家居服務支援、保健醫療、 身心健康及專業照護服務。自新冠肺炎疫情 於二零二零年年初爆發以來,這模式協助跨 專業服務團隊更高效地關顧長者的身心需要。
為減輕病毒傳播,我們推行社交距離及隔離 等防疫措施。這些措施能夠降低長者的感染 風險,但也產生一些不良影響,包括與社會 隔離、日常社區照護服務受限及個人健康管 理不善。

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