Page 63 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 63

香港房屋協會 2020/21 年度年報
During the temporary suspension at the outbreak of COVID-19, the ERC, the first of its kind to promote the concept of “Age- Friendly Home” in Hong Kong, underwent a revamp before it was re-opened in December 2020 in time for its 15th anniversary celebrations.
The new ERC plays host to two full-size mock-ups of age-friendly units. They were modelled on designs that emerged from a collaboration with seniors, caregivers, occupational therapists, architects, social workers and students during a two-day co- design workshop aimed at creating ideal homes catered for seniors of different ages and with varied level of capabilities with due consideration given to the actual living environment in Hong Kong.
Sized at 150 and 200 square feet respectively, the two units feature age-friendly home design and over a hundred state-of- the art gerontech products and assistive devices, some of which were shown in Hong Kong for the first time. These included an electric swivel bed that assisted the user to sit or stand from a lying position, and a non-wearable fall-detector powered by radar, to name just two.
The show flats are meant to act as a platform whereby people can easily apply the age-friendly features and tips in their real- life situations. Apart from staging thematic exhibition from time to time, the ERC, which welcomes an average of 22,000 visitors a year, provides ramped-up services encompassing health screening, health management talks, guided and experiential tours.
The ERC also enabled visitors, especially those from the younger generation, to gain a better understanding of the needs and challenges encountered by the elderly through games integrated with AR (augmented reality) and VR (virtual reality) applications. These put them in the shoes of seniors so that they may experience the everyday predicaments that come with ageing, and help foster ageing in place and cross-generational harmony in society.
During the year, the ERC provided an online visit mode with virtual tours, enabling people to get a glimpse of the various facilities and gain a better understanding of the mission and goals of the centre without threats of COVID-19.
香港首間提倡「居家安老」理念的「長者安居 資源中心」善用因新冠肺炎疫情而暫時關閉期 間進行翻新,並於二零二零年十二月其成立 十五周年之際重新開放。
全新的「長者安居資源中心」設有兩個長者友 善模擬單位。設計理念源自於為期兩日的共 創長者家居工作坊上與長者、照護者、職業 治療師、建築師、社工和學生集思廣益的成 果,該工作坊旨在創建適合不同年齡和不同 能力長者需要的理想房屋,並兼顧香港的實 際居住環境。
兩個以長者友善房屋設計為特色的單位面積 分別為一百五十和二百平方呎,結合過百種 最先進的樂齡科技產品和輔助裝置,部分為 首次在香港展出,包括可協助臥床使用者坐 立的電動旋轉床,以及非穿戴式的雷達跌倒 偵測儀等。
示範單位旨在提供一個平台,讓市民能夠在 日常生活中輕鬆體驗到如何應用長者友善設 計於實際居住環境中。除不時舉辦專題展覽 外,「長者安居資源中心」每年平均接待二 萬二千名訪客,提供健康檢查、健康管理講 座、導賞團和體驗團等推廣服務。
此外,「長者安居資源中心」讓訪客(尤其是 年輕人)透過結合擴增實境(AR)和虛擬實境 (VR)的遊戲深入了解長者的需要和遇到的挑 戰,使他們能夠設身處地,體驗年老後所面 對的日常問題,從而增進社會對「居家安老」 和跨代共融理念的認知。
本年度,「長者安居資源中心」以虛擬導賞團 形式舉辦網上參觀活動,讓市民可在無懼新 冠肺炎疫情威脅的情況下瀏覽各種設施,深 入了解中心的宗旨和目標。

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