Page 67 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 67

香港房屋協會 2020/21 年度年報
The rent waiver aimed to strike a balance between tenants’ affordability and the sustainability of rental estates operations. The total rent forgone due to the two-month rent waiver was around HK$150 million. The Housing Society also offered its Group B tenants a two-thirds rent reduction for two months in January and July of 2020.
Deferment of Rent Review of Rental Estates
As one of the key rent relief measures, the Housing Society deferred its biennial rent review of rental estates at the end of 2019, which led to a rent freeze from April to September 2020.
As the Housing Society is a self-financing not-for-profit organisation, the setting of rent levels is mainly based on the operating costs of rental estates, including recurring management expenses, tenancy administration costs, rates and government rents, as well as the expenses for major improvement works, repairs and maintenance.
Therefore, in line with the rent review mechanism, in July 2020 the Housing Society announced that the rent would be increased by eight per cent for its 20 rental estates with effect from 1 October 2020 until 30 September 2022. As a result of the deferment of domestic rent review and rent reduction, revenue declined by HK$42 million.
租金豁免有助平衡租戶的負擔能力與出租屋 邨營運的可持續性。因豁免兩個月租金而少 收的租金總額約為一億五千萬港元。此外, 房協於二零二零年一月和七月向乙類租戶提 供三分之二的租金減免。
作為其中一項主要租金寬減措施,房協於二 零一九年底暫緩兩年一度的出租屋邨租金檢 討,即凍結於二零二零年四月至九月期間的 租金。
作為自負盈虧的非牟利機構,房協釐定租金 水平主要基於出租屋邨的營運成本,包括經 常性管理開支、租賃管理費用、差餉和政府 地租,以及主要改善工程和維修保養的開支。
因此,根據租金檢討機制,房協於二零二零 年七月宣布轄下二十個出租屋邨上調租金百 分之八,由二零二零年十月一日起生效,直 至二零二二年九月三十日。由於暫緩屋邨 租戶租金檢討及租金減免,房協收益減少 四千二百萬港元。
   The rent waiver in addition to the shopping coupons not only helped to reduce our burden, but alleviate the pressure on our children as well, who have been supporting our expenses and living after we retired. With the money saved, we will be able to spend more on groceries and visit the restaurants a few more times.
租金寬免和消費券不僅減輕了我們的負擔,也減輕 了子女的壓力,他們在我們退休後一直支持我們的 開支和生活。省下的錢可以用來購買日用品,或者 多去幾次茶樓。
 Mr and Mrs Choi, who have been living at Moon Lok Dai Ha for 11 years

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