Page 89 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 89

香港房屋協會 2020/21 年度年報
Foundation work for its decanting block at Ting On Street, located opposite to the existing estate, is set to commence and the project is scheduled for completion in 2024, supplying 371 rental units.
Ming Wah Dai Ha Phase II & III Redevelopment
Following the completion of Phase I Redevelopment, decanting for Phase II Redevelopment has commenced with demolition work expected to begin in early 2022. Ground investigation site works has commenced for the sites. The entire Ming Wah Dai Ha Redevelopment is expected to be completed by 2035, providing 3,919 flats in total — including 2,561 rental, 750 SSF and 608 SEN units.
During the year, the Housing Society continued to construct SSF in Fanling, Kwun Tong and Kai Tak Area to provide quality, practical and functional housing to meet the needs and aspirations of home ownership of Hong Kong people.
Jockey Club Road, Fanling
The construction of the site on Jockey Club Road in Fanling is expected to commence by end-2021 and be completed by 2025. With land grant application being processed by the Lands Department, this site will eventually provide 644 SSF units.
Anderson Road Quarry
Three Anderson Road Quarry Sites granted by the Government are for SSF development. The land grant for one of the sites has been executed and the construction work for that site has commenced in the end of 2020. The remaining two sites are undergoing land grant process. Construction of these three SSF projects are expected to be completed by 2024/25 to 2025/26, providing around 2,780 units in total.
Kai Tak Area 2B Site 1
For Kai Tak Area 2B Site 1, which will supply around 1,800 new SSF units, land grant application is being processed by the Lands Department. The project is expected to be completed by 2026.
位於現有屋邨對面的定安街安置屋邨的地基 工程即將展開,預計項目將於二零二四年落 成,屆時可提供三百七十一個出租單位。
繼第一期重建項目落成後,第二期重建安置 工作已展開,預期清拆工程將於二零二二年 初開始。地盤的實地勘察工程已展開。預期 整個明華大廈重建工程將於二零三五年完 成,可提供合共三千九百一十九個單位,包 括二千五百六十一個出租單位、七百五十個 資助出售房屋單位和六百零八個「長者安居 樂」單位。
本年度,房協繼續於粉嶺、觀塘和啟德區興 建資助出售房屋,以提供優質、實用和功能 齊全的房屋,滿足香港人的置業需要和期望。
預期位於粉嶺馬會道的建築地盤將於二零 二一年底動工,並於二零二五年落成。地政 總署現正處理批地申請,項目落成後將提供 六百四十四個資助出售房屋單位。
三幅位於安達臣道石礦場的用地獲政府撥作 發展資助出售房屋。其中一幅用地已完成批 地程序,而該項目的建築工程亦已於二零二 零年底動工。餘下兩幅用地正進行批地審核 程序。預期這三個資助出售房屋項目將於二 零二四╱二五至二零二五╱二六年度完工, 屆時可提供合共約二千七百八十個單位。
啟德第2B區1號用地將供應約一千八百個新 資助出售房屋單位,而地政總署正處理批地 申請。預期項目將於二零二六年完成。

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