[ { "name_tc": "景新臺 ", "name_sc": "景新台 ", "name_en": "Kingston Terrace ", "address_tc": "屯門景新徑2號", "address_sc": "屯门景新径2号", "address_en": "No. 2 King San Path, Tuen Mun, New Territories", "sitearea_tc": "13,740.01平方米", "sitearea_sc": "13,740.01平方米", "sitearea_en": "13,740.01 sq. m.", "completionyear_tc": "2002", "completionyear_sc": "2002", "completionyear_en": "2002", "noofblocks_tc": "4", "noofblocks_sc": "4", "noofblocks_en": "4", "totalflat_tc": "1,152", "totalflat_sc": "1,152", "totalflat_en": "1,152", "flatarea_tc": "約 55.74 - 83.61平方米", "flatarea_sc": "约 55.74 - 83.61平方米", "flatarea_en": "Approx. 55.74 - 83.61 sq. m.", "profile_tc": "為最後一個落成的「住宅發售計劃」屋苑", "profile_sc": "为最后一个落成的「住宅发售计划」屋苑", "profile_en": "The last project under the Flat-for-Sale Scheme", "facilities_tc": "活動室,露天燒烤場,兒童天地,健身室,戶外兒童遊樂場,平台花園,住客會所,停車場 (設有電動車充電站)", "facilities_sc": "活动室,露天烧烤场,儿童天地,健身室,户外儿童游乐场,平台花园,住客会所,停车场 (设有电动车充电站)", "facilities_en": "Activity room,BBQ Area,Children Play Area,Gymnasium,Outdoor Children Playground,Podium garden,Residents' club house,Carparks (with EV charger) " }, { "name_tc": "啟德花園 ", "name_sc": "启德花园 ", "name_en": "Kai Tak Garden ", "address_tc": "九龍黃大仙彩虹道121號", "address_sc": "九龙黄大仙彩虹道121号", "address_en": "121 Choi Hung Road, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon", "sitearea_tc": "11,612.00平方米 (第一及第二期)", "sitearea_sc": "11,612.00平方米 (第一及第二期)", "sitearea_en": "11,612.00 sq. m. (Phase I & II)", "completionyear_tc": "1998 (第一期)|||2001 (第二期)", "completionyear_sc": "1998 (第一期)|||2001 (第二期)", "completionyear_en": "1998 (Phase I)|||2001 (Phase II)", "noofblocks_tc": "3 (第一期)|||2 (第二期)", "noofblocks_sc": "3 (第一期)|||2 (第二期)", "noofblocks_en": "3 (Phase I)|||2 (Phase II)", "totalflat_tc": "784 (第一期)|||472 (第二期)", "totalflat_sc": "784 (第一期)|||472 (第二期)", "totalflat_en": "784 (Phase I)|||472 (Phase II)", "flatarea_tc": "56.39 - 85.38 平方米(第一期)|||55.28 - 87.73 平方米(第二期)", "flatarea_sc": "56.39 - 85.38 平方米(第一期)|||55.28 - 87.73 平方米(第二期)", "flatarea_en": "56.39 - 85.38 sq. m. (Phase I)|||55.28 - 87.73 sq. m. (Phase II)", "profile_tc": "原址為啟德邨,於1993年進行重建", "profile_sc": "原址为启德邨,于1993年进行重建", "profile_en": "Redeveloped on former Kai Tak Estate in 1993", "facilities_tc": "兒童遊樂場,休憩園林,停車場 (設有電動車充電站)", "facilities_sc": "儿童游乐场,休憩园林,停车场 (设有电动车充电站)", "facilities_en": "Children playground,Landscaped garden,Carparks (with EV charger) " }, { "name_tc": "翠塘花園 ", "name_sc": "翠塘花园 ", "name_en": "Lakeside Garden ", "address_tc": "新界西貢翠塘路1號", "address_sc": "新界西贡翠塘路1号", "address_en": "1 Chui Tong Road, Sai Kung, New Territories", "sitearea_tc": "22,166.21平方米", "sitearea_sc": "22,166.21平方米", "sitearea_en": "22,166.21 sq. m.", "completionyear_tc": "1997", "completionyear_sc": "1997", "completionyear_en": "1997", "noofblocks_tc": "1 (出租)|||10 (出售)", "noofblocks_sc": "1 (出租)|||10 (出售)", "noofblocks_en": "1 (Rental)|||10 (Sale)", "totalflat_tc": "234 (出租)|||736 (出售)", "totalflat_sc": "234 (出租)|||736 (出售)", "totalflat_en": "234 (Rental)|||736 (Sale)", "flatarea_tc": "21.00 - 45.00平方米 (出租)|||52.03 - 72.56平方米 (出售)", "flatarea_sc": "21.00 - 45.00平方米 (出租)|||52.03 - 72.56平方米 (出售)", "flatarea_en": "21.00 - 45.00 sq. m. (Rental)|||52.03 - 72.56 sq. m. (Sale)", "profile_tc": "為房協第3個「郊區公共屋邨」,土地由填海而來|||建成初期主要安置附近的漁排漁戶|||其中10座大廈為「住宅發售計劃」項目", "profile_sc": "为房协第3个「郊区公共屋邨」,土地由填海而来|||建成初期主要安置附近的渔排渔户|||其中10座大厦为「住宅发售计划」项目", "profile_en": "This was the third Rural Public Housing estate of the Housing Society with land acquired by reclamation|||The estate was originally built for resettling the fishermen in the neighbourhood|||Ten of the buildings were under the Flat-for-Sale Scheme", "facilities_tc": "停車場,兒童遊樂場,社區中心,幼稚園,休憩園林,商舖", "facilities_sc": "停车场,儿童游乐场,社区中心,幼稚园,休憩园林,商铺", "facilities_en": "Carparks,Children playground,Community centre,Kindergarten,Landscaped garden,Shops" }, { "name_tc": "茵怡花園 ", "name_sc": "茵怡花园 ", "name_en": "Verbena Heights ", "address_tc": "新界將軍澳貿泰路8號", "address_sc": "新界将军澳贸泰路8号", "address_en": "8 Mau Tai Road, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories", "sitearea_tc": "21,218.20平方米", "sitearea_sc": "21,218.20平方米", "sitearea_en": "21,218.20 sq. m.", "completionyear_tc": "1996 / 97", "completionyear_sc": "1996 / 97", "completionyear_en": "1996 / 97", "noofblocks_tc": "1 (出租)|||6 (出售)", "noofblocks_sc": "1 (出租)|||6 (出售)", "noofblocks_en": "1 (rental)|||6 (sale)", "totalflat_tc": "971 (出租)|||1,894 (出售)", "totalflat_sc": "971 (出租)|||1,894 (出售)", "totalflat_en": "971 (rental)|||1,894 (sale)", "flatarea_tc": "14.95 - 38.34平方米 (出租)|||43.01 - 75.07平方米 (出售)", "flatarea_sc": "14.95 - 38.34平方米 (出租)|||43.01 - 75.07平方米 (出售)", "flatarea_en": "14.95 - 38.34 sq. m. (rental)|||43.01 - 75.07 sq. m. (sale)", "profile_tc": "屋苑設計以環保概念為本,有導風天幕、遮陽設施、空中花園等。單位內亦加入環保元素,包括低流水量沖廁系統及大面積對流窗等|||屋苑於1999年獲香港建築師學會頒發周年年獎銀獎", "profile_sc": "屋苑设计以环保概念为本,有导风天幕、遮阳设施、空中花园等。单位内亦加入环保元素,包括低流水量冲厕系统及大面积对流窗等|||屋苑于1999年获香港建筑师学会颁发周年年奖银奖", "profile_en": "The estate was designed with environmental features, including wind-channeling canopies, sun canopies and sky garden while insidethe flats there were minimal-flush toilet systems and large windows for better air circulation|||Awarded Silver Medal of The Hong Kong Institute of Architects Annual Awards in 1999", "facilities_tc": "兒童遊樂場,政府 / 團體 / 社區設施,幼稚園,休憩園林,商舖,街市,停車場 (設有電動車充電站)", "facilities_sc": "儿童游乐场,政府 / 团体 / 社区设施,幼稚园,休憩园林,商铺,街市,停车场 (设有电动车充电站)", "facilities_en": "Children playground,Government / Institution / Community facilities,Kindergarten,Landscaped garden,Shops,Wet market,Carparks (with EV charger) " }, { "name_tc": "寶石大廈 ", "name_sc": "宝石大厦 ", "name_en": "Bo Shek Mansion ", "address_tc": "新界荃灣沙咀道328號", "address_sc": "新界荃湾沙咀道328号", "address_en": "328 Sha Tsui Road, Tsuen Wan, New Territories", "sitearea_tc": "7,603.07平方米", "sitearea_sc": "7,603.07平方米", "sitearea_en": "7,603.07 sq. m.", "completionyear_tc": "1996", "completionyear_sc": "1996", "completionyear_en": "1996", "noofblocks_tc": "1 (出租)|||2 (出售)", "noofblocks_sc": "1 (出租)|||2 (出售)", "noofblocks_en": "1 (Rental)|||2 (Sale)", "totalflat_tc": "267 (出租) (部分為年長者單位)|||400 (出售)", "totalflat_sc": "267 (出租) (部分为年长者单位)|||400 (出售)", "totalflat_en": "267 (Rental) (Including elderly persons' flats)|||400 (Sale)", "flatarea_tc": "16.00 - 49.71平方米 (出租)|||58.25 - 87.33 平方米 (出售)", "flatarea_sc": "16.00 - 49.71平方米 (出租)|||58.25 - 87.33 平方米 (出售)", "flatarea_en": "16.00 - 49.71 sq. m. (Rental)|||58.25 - 87.33 sq. m. (Sale)", "profile_tc": "屋邨毗鄰石壁新村,故以「石」字取名|||全邨3座大廈曾以各類寶石命名,並設有一所2層高的社區中心|||1992年,寶石大廈進行拆卸重建,大部分住戶遷往位於青衣的偉景花園,重建後其中2座轉為「住宅發售計劃」項目|||共設有長者單位99個", "profile_sc": "屋邨毗邻石壁新村,故以「石」字取名|||全邨3座大厦曾以各类宝石命名,并设有一所2层高的社区中心|||1992年,宝石大厦进行拆卸重建,大部分住户迁往位于青衣的伟景花园,重建后其中2座转为「住宅发售计划」项目|||共设有长者单位99个", "profile_en": "Name contains the word “Shek”, the Chinese word for stone, because of its proximity to Shek Pik San Tsuen|||The three buildings previously adopted the names of various precious stones with a two-storey community hall built inside the estate|||The estate was demolished in 1992 for redevelopment. Most of the residents moved to Broadview Garden in Tsing Yi. Since then, two of the buildings were developed under the Flat-for-Sale Scheme|||It has 99 elderly flats", "facilities_tc": "幼兒園,庇護工場,商舖,停車場 (設有電動車充電站)", "facilities_sc": "幼儿园,庇护工场,商铺,停车场 (设有电动车充电站)", "facilities_en": "Nursery,Sheltered workshop,Shops,Carparks (with EV charger) " }, { "name_tc": "樂年花園 ", "name_sc": "乐年花园 ", "name_en": "Cronin Garden ", "address_tc": "九龍深水埗順寧道16-20號|||保安道2及2A號|||東沙島街186-190號", "address_sc": "九龙深水埗顺宁道16-20号|||保安道2及2A号|||东沙岛街186-190号", "address_en": "16-20 Shun Ning Road|||2 & 2A Po On Road|||186-190 Pratas Street, Shamshuipo, Kowloon", "sitearea_tc": "9,854.00平方米", "sitearea_sc": "9,854.00平方米", "sitearea_en": "9,854.00 sq. m.", "completionyear_tc": "1995", "completionyear_sc": "1995", "completionyear_en": "1995", "noofblocks_tc": "7", "noofblocks_sc": "7", "noofblocks_en": "7", "totalflat_tc": "728", "totalflat_sc": "728", "totalflat_en": "728", "flatarea_tc": "45.62 - 84.63平方米", "flatarea_sc": "45.62 - 84.63平方米", "flatarea_en": "45.62 - 84.63 sq. m.", "profile_tc": "前身為全港首個公共出租屋邨上李屋|||於1995年,該邨重建為現時樂年花園|||該邨以紀念在1981年擔任房協主席的龔樂年神父命名", "profile_sc": "前身为全港首个公共出租屋邨上李屋|||于1995年,该邨重建为现时乐年花园|||该邨以纪念在1981年担任房协主席的龚乐年神父命名", "profile_en": "Formerly Sheung Li Uk, the first public rental housing estate in Hong Kong|||Redeveloped in 1995 to become Cronin Garden|||Named after the Past Chairman of Housing Society Rev Fergus Cronin who held the position in 1981", "facilities_tc": "弱智人士展能中心,幼稚園,幼兒園,商舖,停車場 (設有電動車充電站)", "facilities_sc": "弱智人士展能中心,幼稚园,幼儿园,商铺,停车场 (设有电动车充电站)", "facilities_en": "Day activity centre for the mentally handicapped,Kindergarten,Nursery,Shops,Carparks (with EV charger) " }, { "name_tc": "健康村 ", "name_sc": "健康村 ", "name_en": "Healthy Village ", "address_tc": "第一期(重建) : 香港北角健康中街8-10號 / 七姊妹道190-192號|||第二期(重建) : 香港北角英皇道668號|||第三期 : 香港北角百福道12 號", "address_sc": "第一期(重建) : 香港北角健康中街8-10号 / 七姊妹道190-192号|||第二期(重建) : 香港北角英皇道668号|||第三期 : 香港北角百福道12 号", "address_en": "Phase I (Redevelopment) :8-10 Healthy Street Central / 190-192 Tsat Tsz Mui Road, North Point, Hong Kong|||Phase II (Redevelopment) : 668 King's Road, North Point, Hong Kong|||Phase III : 12 Pak Fuk Road, North Point, Hong Kong", "sitearea_tc": "16,395.15平方米", "sitearea_sc": "16,395.15平方米", "sitearea_en": "16,395.15 sq. m.", "completionyear_tc": "1965 第三期: 棕樹樓、藍雀樓、銀杏樓、紅桃樓、白楊樓、黃菊樓、綠葉樓|||1993 第一期(重建): 出租及出售|||1997 第二期(重建): 出售", "completionyear_sc": "1965 第三期: 出租|||1993 第一期(重建): 出租及出售|||1997 第二期(重建): 出售", "completionyear_en": "1965 Phase III: Rental|||1993 Phase I (Redevelopment): Rental & Sale|||1997 Phase II (Redevelopment): Sale", "noofblocks_tc": "9 (出租)|||5 (出售)", "noofblocks_sc": "9 (出租)|||5 (出售)", "noofblocks_en": "9 (Rental)|||5 (Sale)", "totalflat_tc": "1,189 (出租) (部分為年長者單位)|||1,048 (出售)", "totalflat_sc": "1,189 (出租) (部分为年长者单位)|||1,048 (出售)", "totalflat_en": "1,189 (Rental) (Including elderly persons' flats)|||1,048 (Sale)", "flatarea_tc": "16.00 - 39.30 平方米 (出租)|||40.32 - 85.10 平方呎 (出售)", "flatarea_sc": "16.00 - 39.30 平方米 (出租)|||40.32 - 85.10 平方呎 (出售)", "flatarea_en": "16.00 - 39.30 sq. m. (Rental) |||40.32 - 85.10 sq. m. (Sale)", "profile_tc": "健康村設備完善,為當時少有設置升降機、垃圾槽及沖廁等設備的公共屋邨|||前英國內閣大臣彼得.霍尼戈夫先生曾於60年代到訪該邨|||於1990年開始分期進行屋邨重建工程,其中5座大廈發展為「住宅發售計劃」項目|||著名藝人譚詠麟曾居於此邨|||該邨設有90個長者單位|||第三期出租屋邨包括:棕樹樓、藍雀樓、銀杏樓、紅桃樓、白楊樓、黃菊樓、綠葉樓|||第一期(重建)出租屋邨包括:康智閣、康達閣|||第一期(重建)住宅發售計劃包括:康輝閣、康宏閣|||第二期(重建)住宅發售計劃包括:康祥閣、康欣閣、康勝閣 ", "profile_sc": "健康村设备完善,为当时少有设置升降机、垃圾槽及冲厕等设备的公共屋邨|||前英国内阁大臣彼得.霍尼戈夫先生曾于60年代到访该邨|||于1990年开始分期进行屋邨重建工程,其中5座大厦发展为「住宅发售计划」项目|||着名艺人谭咏麟曾居于此邨|||该邨设有90个长者单位", "profile_en": "Healthy Village was built with lifts, garbage trough and flushing facilities which were rare among the public estates at that time|||The Hon Peter Thorneycroft, former UK Minister, visited the estate in the 60s|||In 1990, the estate was redeveloped by phases. Five buildings were built under Flat-for-Sale Scheme|||Famous artist Alan Tam once lived here|||The estate has 90 elderly flats|||Phase III Rental Estates include ", "facilities_tc": "停車場,兒童中心,社區設施,托嬰園,年長者休息室,平台花園,商舖", "facilities_sc": "停车场,儿童中心,社区设施,托婴园,年长者休息室,平台花园,商铺", "facilities_en": "Carparks,Children's centre,Community premises,Creche,Lounge for elderly,Podium garden,Shops" }, { "name_tc": "偉景花園 ", "name_sc": "伟景花园 ", "name_en": "Broadview Garden ", "address_tc": "新界青衣青綠街1號", "address_sc": "新界青衣青绿街1号", "address_en": "1 Tsing Luk Street, Tsing Yi, New Territories", "sitearea_tc": "19,310.18平方米", "sitearea_sc": "19,310.18平方米", "sitearea_en": "19,310.18 sq. m.", "completionyear_tc": "1991", "completionyear_sc": "1991", "completionyear_en": "1991", "noofblocks_tc": "2 (出租)|||5 (出售)", "noofblocks_sc": "2 (出租)|||5 (出售)", "noofblocks_en": "2 (Rental)|||5 (Sale)", "totalflat_tc": "448 (出租)|||1,328 (出售)", "totalflat_sc": "448 (出租)|||1,328 (出售)", "totalflat_en": "448 (Rental) |||1,328 (Sale)", "flatarea_tc": "27.08 - 46.77平方米 (出租)|||55.56 - 76.65平方米 (出售)", "flatarea_sc": "27.08 - 46.77平方米 (出租)|||55.56 - 76.65平方米 (出售)", "flatarea_en": "27.08 - 46.77 sq. m. (Rental)|||55.56 - 76.65 sq. m. (Sale)", "profile_tc": "興建偉景花園的土地是由開山及填海而得來|||屋邨落成初期主要為受荃灣寶石大廈重建影響的原居民提供居所|||邨內設有小型商場,方便居民購物", "profile_sc": "兴建伟景花园的土地是由开山及填海而得来|||屋邨落成初期主要为受荃湾宝石大厦重建影响的原居民提供居所|||邨内设有小型商场,方便居民购物", "profile_en": "Built on land acquired by excavation and reclamation|||The estate was built initially to rehouse the residents affected by the redevelopment of Bo Shek Mansion|||A small shopping mall was provided for the convenience of the tenants", "facilities_tc": "停車場,幼稚園,休憩園林,商舖", "facilities_sc": "停车场,幼稚园,休憩园林,商铺", "facilities_en": "Carparks,Kindergarten,Landscaped garden,Shops" }, { "name_tc": "家維邨 ", "name_sc": "家维邨 ", "name_en": "Ka Wai Chuen ", "address_tc": "九龍紅磡佛光街1A, 3, 5及7號|||馬頭圍道44, 46及48號|||差館里8及12號", "address_sc": "九龙红磡佛光街1A, 3, 5及7号|||马头围道44, 46及48号|||差馆里8及12号", "address_en": "1A, 3, 5 & 7 Fat Kwong Street|||44, 46 & 48 Ma Tau Wai Road|||8 & 12 Station Lane, Hung Hom, Kowloon", "sitearea_tc": "19,851.82平方米", "sitearea_sc": "19,851.82平方米", "sitearea_en": "19,851.82 sq. m.", "completionyear_tc": "1984 / 87 / 90 / 93", "completionyear_sc": "1984 / 87 / 90 / 93", "completionyear_en": "1984 / 87 / 90 / 93", "noofblocks_tc": "5 (出租)|||4 (出售)", "noofblocks_sc": "5 (出租)|||4 (出售)", "noofblocks_en": "5 (Rental)|||4 (Sale)", "totalflat_tc": "1,676 (出租) (部分為年長者單位)|||892 (出售)", "totalflat_sc": "1,676 (出租) (部分为年长者单位)|||892 (出售)", "totalflat_en": "1,676 (Rental) (Including elderly persons' flats)|||892 (Sale)", "flatarea_tc": "17.00 - 58.20平方米 (出租)|||55.93 - 85.38平方米 (出售)", "flatarea_sc": "17.00 - 58.20平方米 (出租)|||55.93 - 85.38平方米 (出售)", "flatarea_en": "17.00 - 58.20 sq. m. (Rental) |||55.93 - 85.38 sq. m. (Sale)", "profile_tc": "原址為50年代建成的紅磡邨,該邨於1984年重建並改名為家維邨,以紀念已故房協創辦人張家維|||除出租單位外,家維邨亦同時提供「住宅發售計劃」單位|||前港督衞奕信爵士伉儷亦曾於1987年到訪家維邨|||共設有長者單位134個", "profile_sc": "原址为50年代建成的红磡邨,该邨于1984年重建并改名为家维邨,以纪念已故房协创办人张家维|||除出租单位外,家维邨亦同时提供「住宅发售计划」单位|||前港督衞奕信爵士伉俪亦曾于1987年到访家维邨|||共设有长者单位134个", "profile_en": "Located at the original site of Hung Hom Estate built in the 50s, Ka Wai Chuen was redeveloped in 1984 and named after one of the Housing Society’s founding members Mr Andrew Cheung Ka Wai|||The estate also provided housing units under the Flat-for-Sale Scheme|||The former Governor Sir David Wilson couple visited the estate in 1987|||It has 134 elderly flats", "facilities_tc": "社區中心,托嬰園,幼稚園,年長者康樂室,幼兒園,商舖,停車場 (設有電動車充電站)", "facilities_sc": "社区中心,托婴园,幼稚园,年长者康乐室,幼儿园,商铺,停车场 (设有电动车充电站)", "facilities_en": "Community centre,Creche,Kindergarten,Lounge for elderly,Nursery,Shops,Carparks (with EV charger) " }, { "name_tc": "祈德尊新邨", "name_sc": "祈德尊新邨", "name_en": "Clague Garden Estate ", "address_tc": "新界荃灣海盛路22-30號", "address_sc": "新界荃湾海盛路22-30号", "address_en": "22-30 Hoi Shing Road, Tsuen Wan, New Territories", "sitearea_tc": "24,770.23平方米", "sitearea_sc": "24,770.23平方米", "sitearea_en": "24,770.23 sq. m.", "completionyear_tc": "1989", "completionyear_sc": "1989", "completionyear_en": "1989", "noofblocks_tc": "2 (出租)|||2 (出售)", "noofblocks_sc": "2 (出租)|||2 (出售)", "noofblocks_en": "2 (Rental)|||2 (Sale)", "totalflat_tc": "553 (出租) (部分為年長者單位)|||926 (出售)", "totalflat_sc": "553 (出租) (部分为年长者单位)|||926 (出售)", "totalflat_en": "553 (Rental) (Including elderly persons' flats)|||926 (Sale)", "flatarea_tc": "21.73 - 43.58 平方米 (出租)|||39.02 - 60.02 平方米 (出售)", "flatarea_sc": "21.73 - 43.58 平方米 (出租)|||39.02 - 60.02 平方米 (出售)", "flatarea_en": "21.73 - 43.58 sq. m. (Rental)|||39.02 - 60.02 sq. m. (Sale)", "profile_tc": "該邨以紀念在1952至1981年期間擔任房協主席的祈德尊爵士命名|||1989年,當時的總督衞奕信爵士伉儷為屋邨主持開幕典禮|||該邨於1991年獲香港建築師學會頒發設計優異獎|||共設有長者單位78個", "profile_sc": "该邨以纪念在1952至1981年期间担任房协主席的祈德尊爵士命名|||1989年,当时的总督衞奕信爵士伉俪为屋邨主持开幕典礼|||该邨于1991年获香港建筑师学会颁发设计优异奖|||共设有长者单位78个", "profile_en": "Named after the past Chairman of the Housing Society Sir Douglas Clague who held the position from 1952 to 1981|||In 1989, the then Governor Sir David Wilson couple officiated at the opening ceremony of the estate|||The estate was awarded Certificate of Merit by The Hong Kong Institute of Architects in 1991 for its design|||It has 78 elderly flats", "facilities_tc": "羽毛球場,籃球場,停車場,兒童遊樂場,幼稚園,休憩園林,年長者康樂室,幼兒園,商舖,青年中心", "facilities_sc": "羽毛球场,篮球场,停车场,儿童游乐场,幼稚园,休憩园林,年长者康乐室,幼儿园,商铺,青年中心", "facilities_en": "Badminton court,Basketball court,Carparks,Children playground,Kindergarten,Landscaped garden,Lounge for elderly,Nursery,Shops,Youth centre" } ]