Page 5 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 5

HOuSING SCHEMES 房屋計劃        3

               Flat-For-Sale Scheme                                         住宅發售計劃
               Launched in the late 1980s, ten projects with a total of 10,360 flats are located   於八十年代末推出,十個項目位於全港各區共
               throughout Hong Kong under this Scheme. Similar to the Home Ownership   提供 10,360 個單位,與房屋委員會的「居者
               Scheme of the Housing Authority, the flats are sold at a discount to meet   有其屋」計劃相近,以折讓價格售予低至中等
               the ownership aspirations of low to middle-income families. In line with the   收入家庭,協助達成置業願望。為配合政府政
               Government policy, flat production under this Scheme has ceased since late 2002.  策,該計劃自二零零二年底起停止發展新項目。

               Sandwich Class Housing Scheme                                夾心階層住屋計劃
               Launched in the early 1990s amid the surge of property prices, ten residential   計劃於九十年代初因應樓價不斷上升而推出,
               developments across Hong Kong provide a total of 8,920 flats for the middle-   十個分布於港九及新界的項目共提供 8,920
               income families. Flats are sold at concessionary prices to eligible families and   個 住 宅 單 位,以 優 惠 價 格 售予 合 資 格 的 中
               subject to resale conditions. Flat production under this Scheme has been   等 收 入 家庭,並設有轉售規限。此計劃已於
               suspended since 1998.                                        一九九八年起停止發展新項目。

               Full Market Value Development                                市值發展項目
               Upon the suspension of the Sandwich Class Housing Scheme, three projects   由於「夾心階層住屋計劃」暫停,三個發展中
               under development have been converted to private properties for sale to   的項目轉為私人樓宇,以市值價格公開出售,
               the public at full market value. These include Cayman Rise in Kennedy Town,   包括位於堅尼地城的加惠臺、馬鞍山的曉峯灣
               Mountain Shore in Ma On Shan and Serenity Place in Tseung Kwan O.  畔及將軍澳的怡心園。
               Senior Citizen Residences Scheme                               「長者安居樂」住屋計劃

               This innovative Scheme for the middle-income elderly provides ‘one-stop’ homes   這個嶄新的住屋計劃,為中產長者提供「一站
               with housing, recreation, medical and care facilities all under the same roof. Two   式」房屋,集居住、休閒、醫療及護理於一身。
               pilot projects, Jolly Place in Tseung Kwan O and Cheerful Court in Jordan Valley,   位於將軍澳的樂頤居及佐敦谷的彩頤居兩個
               providing a total of 576 flats are leased for life to eligible senior citizens.  試驗項目,共提供 576 個單位,以終身租住的
               Urban Renewal Project                                        市區重建項目
               Under the Memorandum of Understanding signed with the Urban Renewal   按照二零零二年與市區重建局簽訂的合作備忘
               Authority in 2002 , the Housing Society has undertaken five redevelopment   錄,房協重建五個位於深水埗及一個位於筲箕
               projects in Sham Shui Po and one in Shau Kei Wan to provide a total of 1,531   灣的項目,合共提供 1,531 個私人住宅單位。所
               private residential flats. All the six projects were completed between 2013    有六個項目已先後於二零一三至一六年落成。
               and 2016.

               Quality Elderly Housing Project                              優質長者房屋項目

               Launched for lease in 2015, The Tanner Hill is a non-subsidised elderly housing   位於丹拿山的「雋悅」是一個非資助的長者房
               project providing 588 age-friendly individual residential flats completed with   屋項目,於二零一五年推出接受租住申請。項目
               lifestyle, home-care support, Chinese and Western healthcare, as well as skilled   共提供 588 個長者友善的獨立自住單位,並配
               care services to create a quality retirement living for the residents.  備休閒健體、家居關顧、中西保健醫療及專業照
               Subsidised Sale Flats Project                                資助出售房屋項目
               In 2012, the Government changed the original My Home Purchase Plan project   政府於二零一二年將位於青衣原為「置安心資
               in Tsing Yi to a Subsidised Sale Flats project named Greenview Villa which   助房屋計劃」的項目改為資助出售房屋項目,名
               provides 988 small-and-medium flats for sale at discounted prices to eligible   為「綠悠雅苑」,提供 988 個中小型單位,以折
               people. The Government subsequently entrusted the Housing Society with   扣價出售予合資格人士。其後政府再委託房協
               similar projects in Sha Tin, Tuen Mun and Tseung Kwan O.     在沙田、屯門及將軍澳區推行類似項目。

                                                                                          香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報
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