Page 19 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 19

香港房屋協會 2020/21 年度年報
Redeveloping old estates not only helps to increase housing supply, but better infrastructure and planning where a diverse mix of government, institution, community, elderly care and recreational facilities are integrated on the same site, and thus better support for the residents.
Optimising land use with the concept of “single site, multiple uses” will also be a major approach in unleashing the potential of land resources.
Take for example the site of Ting On Street, it was originally occupied by a basketball court and Refuse Collection Point before being repurposed as a rehousing estate, which will ultimately provide 371 units in addition to open spaces for public enjoyment and supporting facilities such as retail spaces, car park spaces, a ball court and a refuse collection point. There will also be a neighbourhood elderly centre within the same site. A pedestrian link will be added to the site for connecting Ting On Street and Ngau Tau Kok Road, thereby enhancing the walkability and connectivity within the district.
重建舊屋邨不僅有助增加房屋供應,且可優 化基建及規劃,讓同一屋苑內同時設有相關 的政府部門、機構、社區、長者護理及康樂 等多元設施,從而為住戶提供更適切的支援。
「一地多用」的優化土地使用理念,將會是房 協推行「地盡其用」的主要策略。
以定安街為例,該屋邨在改劃為安置屋邨前 只有一個籃球場及垃圾收集站,項目完成後 將提供三百七十一個單位,並設有公共休憩 空間及零售商舖、停車位、球場及垃圾收集 站等配套設施。此外,社區內還將設立長者 中心,並將加設行人通道,連接定安街及牛 頭角道,從而貫通區內各主要地點,方便行 人往來。

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