Page 21 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 21

香港房屋協會 2020/21 年度年報
The times might have been testing, but our various support schemes, the Ageing-in-Place Scheme, Senior Citizen Residences Scheme as well as The Tanner Hill, have risen up to the occasion and our mission to facilitate ageing in place has lived up to the fullest. During the pandemic, our elderly services team reached out to the elderly residents in full gear, bringing them food parcels as well as anti-epidemic items like masks and hand sanitisers, to ensure they had ample supplies despite being housebound.
In a world devoid of social contact, the telephone has become the most important channel of connecting with the seniors. For the higher risk groups, our staff knocked on their door to make sure everything is alright.
To prevent the loss of function among our elderly residents being housebound and sedentary, online videos on home-based exercises were shared and reminded them to take regular exercise.
These stories not only demonstrate the value of the various schemes, but strike a chord with the human-centric approach underlying the very idea of ageing in place.
During the year, we promoted ageing in place through a number of initiatives including the revamp of Elderly Resources Centre and community events to promote applications of gerontechnology and concept of intergenerational harmony.
Build a Better Hong Kong through CSR Initiatives
In times of the pandemic where communities are in need of help and support, corporate social responsibility takes on a weight with unparalleled significance. During the year, we have rolled out various initiatives to render assistance and help to the community.
雖然疫情帶來重重考驗,但房協各項支援計 劃( 包 括「 樂 得 耆 所 」居 家 安 老 計 劃 、「 長 者 安 居 樂 」住 屋 計 劃 及「 雋 悅 」)迎 難 而 上 , 成 功 克 服挑戰,而我們的「居家安老」計劃亦不負眾 望,克盡己任。疫情期間,長者服務團隊穿 上整套防護裝備探訪長者住戶,為他們送上 食物包以及口罩及洗手液等抗疫用品,確保 他們足不出戶也有足夠的物資。
由於社交活動中斷,電話成為聯繫長者的最 重要渠道。對於高危群組,房協員工會親身 上門探訪,確保他們一切安好。
為防年長住戶因長留家中引致機能衰退,我 們與他們分享網上居家運動視頻,並提醒他 們定期運動。
這些實例不僅展現各項計劃的價值,也彰顯 我們貫徹執行「居家安老」理念,弘揚以人為 本精神的決心。
我們本年度透過一系列措施推動「居家安 老」,包括翻新「長者安居資源中心」及舉辦 社區活動,以推廣樂齡科技及跨代和諧共居 的理念。
疫情期間,社區需要貼心的協助及支援,我 們深明切實履行企業社會責任比以往更加重 要。因此,我們於本年度推出多項措施,向 社區施以援手,提供適當的協助。

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