Page 23 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 23

香港房屋協會 2020/21 年度年報
The pandemic had transformed the world and changed the course we used to travel. The past year could have been the worst of times given the challenges we had gone through. Yet it brought out the very best of us as the people put aside their differences and helped each other. The isolation and social distancing had, on the contrary, brought us closer together. It was indeed the best of times for the society with the bringing back of inclusiveness and harmony.
In closing, I want to take a moment to acknowledge and thank our stakeholders for helping us weather the storm and cope with the new normal. I would also like to express my gratitude to the members of our Supervisory Board, Executive Committee, and other Committees for bringing their experience and expertise to the Housing Society. My heartfelt thanks also go to the Management, in particular James, our CEO, for guiding the organisation through unprecedented crises. I also wish to express my most sincere gratitude to each of you at the Housing Society, in particular those working at the forefront, for setting an excellent example of professionalism, dedication and commitment. With such a wonderful team, I believe the best is yet to come for the Housing Society.
Walter Chan Kar-lok, SBS, JP Chairman
17 June 2021
疫情令全世界發生巨變,也改變了我們的活 動軌跡。過去一年遭遇種種挑戰,可謂我們 經歷過的最壞時期。然而,在同心抗疫的過 程中,社會各界放下分歧,發揮守望相助的 精神,讓我們迎來了戰勝疫情的曙光。可以 說,隔離及社交距離措施反而讓彼此關係拉 近,令社會重拾共融及和諧。
在此,我衷心向持份者致謝,感謝他們協助 我們度過難關,應對新常態。我亦藉此機會 向監事會、執行委員會及其他委員會委員致 以由衷謝意,感謝他們為房協帶來的經驗及 專業意見。另外,我亦十分感激管理層同 仁,尤其是行政總裁陳欽勉先生,帶領房協 跨越了前所未見的危機。最後,我深深感謝 每位並肩同行的房協員工尤其是前線員工, 以專業、敬業的態度全力以赴。有賴團隊各 司其職,我深信房協往後能夠創造更多佳績。
  陳家樂 SBS, JP 主席

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