Page 22 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 22

         Apart from the anti-epidemic matching donation and the Bounce Back Shopping Campaign aforementioned, we have created over 100 short-term and trainee positions for fresh graduates and job seekers, giving them job and training opportunities when there had been fewer vacancies in times of economic downturn.
On another note, our volunteers from Housing Society Volunteer Team, Housing Society Academy Alumni Club, Housing Society Community, the Elderly Resources Centre, and the Ageing-in- Place Scheme, continued to commit their time and skills to various community initiatives to bring warmth and love to people in need.
Taken together, these volunteers helped to deliver food parcels and anti-epidemic items to more than 13,000 housebound elderly residents in our 20 rental estates. Other activities ranged from home modifications for seniors living alone in rental estates, collecting book donations for underprivileged children, to distributing lunchboxes to needy families.
By actively taking part in these initiatives, we hope to foster a caring community while facilitating a more sustainable future for Hong Kong.
除上述配對抗疫捐款及「同心 • 再撐起」消費 推廣活動外,我們還為應屆畢業生及求職者 提供超過一百個短期及培訓生職位,讓他們 在經濟下行導致職位空缺減少的情況下,可 獲得就業及培訓機會。
另一方面,「房協愛心隊」、「房協獎學金同 學 會 」、「 房 協 之 友 」、「 長 者 安 居 資 源 中 心 」 及「樂得耆所」居家安老計劃的義工繼續投入 時間及技能,參與各項社區計劃,為有需要 人士送上溫暖及愛心。
年內,義工同事合共向房協轄下二十個出租 屋邨的一萬三千名居家長者住戶派發食物包 及抗疫用品,還參與了出租屋邨獨居長者家 居改裝、回收舊書並轉贈基層兒童及向有需 要家庭派發午餐等活動。
透過積極參與這些活動,我們希望建立充滿 關愛的社區,並為香港創建更可持續發展的 未來。

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