Page 25 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 25

香港房屋協會 2020/21 年度年報
Over the past year, the pandemic has upended the world and forced us to confront it in every aspect of our life. It challenged the way we used to live and put our strength to test.
Amidst the adversity and uncertainty, it is important for us to demonstrate resilience, unity and versatility, and to make swift responses to mitigate the risk of business disruptions and to protect our staff, residents and tenants.
When the coronavirus epidemic first broke out and drainage pipes were thrust into the spotlight, we wasted no time inspecting the drainages and vent pipes across our 20 rental estates. In a matter of months, internal drainage pipes of some 30,000 rental units were inspected with around 500 units fitted with W-trap systems as appropriate to mitigate any possible risks of disease transmission.
To keep everyone safe, we deployed additional manpower to step up sanitation measures for all of our premises. For the elderly housing developments, namely the Jolly Place, the Cheerful Court and The Tanner Hill, hygiene regimens were put on par with the standards adopted for clinics and hospitals, with state-of-the-art technologies like isolation rooms, disinfection chamber, UV self-sanitizing door handles and anti-microbial coating.
With Business Continuity Plan activated and rapidly adjusted operations in place, the Housing Society has maintained “business as usual” at this very unusual time. Despite the on- going battle with the pandemic, we have stayed the course and made some breakthrough in flat productions and laid foundations for medium and long-term flat production while making a roadmap for the future.
Putting Housing Initiatives into Action
Though caring for the wellbeing of our stakeholders has taken centre stage in times of the pandemic, we are determined that our mission to create homes for the community has not been compromised. While the pandemic inevitably brought some impact on our ongoing projects as building supplies were disrupted and some applications took longer than planned, we have been able to achieve a lot of milestones.
過去一年,新冠肺炎肆虐全球,影響著我們 日常生活的各個方面。疫情不僅改變我們的 生活習慣,也考驗我們的能力。
在充斥不明朗因素的逆境下,最重要能夠展 現出韌力、團結精神和靈活應變,作出迅速 應對,以減低業務受阻的風險,並為員工、 住戶和租戶提供保障。
在新冠肺炎疫情爆發初期,喉管傳播風險備 受關注,我們迅速檢查轄下二十個出租屋邨 的喉管和排氣管。在短短數個月,已完成檢 查約三萬個出租單位的室內排水喉管,並為 約五百個單位安裝合適的「W型」聚水器,以 減低病毒傳播的潛在風險。
為保障公眾安全,我們增派人手加強轄下所 有 物 業 的 衞 生 狀 況 。 在「 樂 頤 居 」、「 彩 頤 居 」 和「雋悅」等長者房屋項目,我們採取了可媲 美診所和醫院標準的衞生措施,引入先進科 技,例如隔離室、消毒室、紫外線自潔門柄 和抗菌塗層。
憑著「企業營運持續計劃」啟動和迅速作出業 務調整,房協得以在此非常時期如常運作。 儘管抗疫戰持續,我們始終堅守崗位,並在 房屋供應上取得突破,更為中長期房屋發展 奠下基礎,訂定未來發展藍圖。
疫情期間,關顧持份者福祉一方面成為我們 工作的重點,惟另一方面我們仍然貫徹建屋 惠民的使命。進行中的部分工作無可避免受 到疫情影響,主要由於建築材料供應受阻, 而個別項目的申請所需的時間亦較預計稍 長,儘管如此,我們仍取得多項重要進展。

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